Shipbuilders in Gloucester, UK, are working daily to restore the Cayman schooner Fair Weather.
Paul Deegan tracked down the ship earlier this year, and it was then transported to the UK from Spain for refitting and repairs. Deegan aims to bring the ship – likely the last Caymanian-built wooden schooner fit for sailing – back to Cayman, and six shipwrights at T. Nielsen and Company, working Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. are making that happen.
The vessel was built in shipyards in Cayman Brac and Jamaica and is believed to be the final wooden schooner constructed by Cayman Boats Ltd. capable of being made seaworthy.
Deegan hopes Fair Weather’s return to Cayman will spark students’ interest in maritime history and seafaring through education and on-ship training, possibly establishing a maritime museum.
Restoring the ship is costly, and Deegan hopes public and local companies, or foundations, will invest in the $2 million project. The S.V. Fair Weather Ltd., a non-profit foundation, offers memberships to support the cause. The ‘Friend of Fair Weather’ membership, involving a $1,000 donation, provides perks like merchandise and excursion discounts.
Fair Weather’s history involves notable figures, and modifications for eco-friendly operations and modern amenities are planned. For more information and donations, visit the Fair Weather website.